Formation of Tumor Spheroids by Spontaneous Cellular Aggregation in Incubation: Effect of Agarose as a Compaction Agent

Tumor spheroids is a 3D culture of cancer cells. This type of cell culture is a great tool for the evaluation of novel nanomedicine systems and in other areas of biomedical engineering. The main advantage over monolayer cell cultures is the biomimetic microenvironment which is appropriate for recapi...

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Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Egile nagusia: Chapa, Christian
Beste egile batzuk: Valenzuela, Marcos Bryan, Aleman, Lizbeth Lucero, Valencia, Laura Elizabeth, Botello, Adeodato, zuñiga, esmeralda
Formatua: Capítulo de libro
Argitaratua: Springer 2019
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