Distribution of food in a specialized hospital using ambient intelligence to improve a model of macroergonomics

SIDA (Intelligent Food Distribution System, for its acronym in Spanish) is a proposed tool for the distribution of food that can be personalized depending on the medical characteristics of each patient. The target of the tool is to provide foods that contain higher nutrients in the diet set by a hos...

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Egile nagusia: Rivera-Zárate, Gilberto
Beste egile batzuk: Hernandez Arellano, Juan Luis, Azpeitia Herrera, Luis Daniel
Formatua: Capítulo de libro
Argitaratua: IGI Global 2019
Sarrera elektronikoa:https://www.igi-global.com/book/advanced-macroergonomics-sociotechnical-approaches-optimal/204632#table-of-contents
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