Residual 3D convolutional neural network to enhance sinograms from small-animal positron emission tomography images

Positron emission tomography (PET) has been widely used in nuclear medicine to diagnose cancer. PET images suffer from degradation because of the scanner’s physical limitations, the radiotracer’s reduced dose, and the acquisition time. In this work, we propose a residual three-dimensional (3D) and c...

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Beste egile batzuk: Rodríguez, Leandro José, Ochoa Domínguez, Humberto, Vergara Villegas, Osslan Osiris, Cruz Sanchez, Vianey Guadalupe, Polanco Gonzalez, Javier, Sossa, Juan Humberto
Formatua: Artículo
Argitaratua: 2023
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