Ergonomics Implementation in Manufacturing Industries: Management Commitment for Financial Benefits

Ergonomics is a multidisciplinary science that seeks to adapt systems and products to human capacities and limitations. Therefore, Ergonomics leads to benefits in terms of health, quality of life, and safety, as well as to financial benefits. However, its implementation process is slow and complex a...

תיאור מלא

שמור ב:
מידע ביבליוגרפי
מחבר ראשי: Maldonado-Macías, Aide Aracely
מחברים אחרים: Balderrama Armendariz, Cesar Omar, Alferez-Padrón, Cesar, Barajas Bustillos, Manuel Alejandro, Armenta-Hernández, Oziely, Realyvásquez-Vargas, Arturo
פורמט: Capítulo de libro
יצא לאור: Springer 2021
גישה מקוונת:
תגים: הוספת תג
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