High Hydration Factor in Older Hispanic-American Adults: Possible Implications for Accurate Body Composition Estimates

Age- and obesity-related body composition changes could influence the hydration factor (HF) and, as a result, body composition estimates derived from hydrometry. The aim of the present study was to compare the HF in older Hispanic-American adults to some published values. This cross-sectional study...

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Beste egile batzuk: González Arellanes, Rogelio, Urquidez Romero, Rene, Rodriguez-Tadeo, Alejandra, Esparza Romero, Julian, Mendez Estrada, Rosa O, Ramırez Lopez, Erik, Robles Sardin, Alma E, Pacheco Moreno, Bertha E, Alemán Mateo, Heliodoro
Formatua: Capítulo de libro
Argitaratua: MDPI 2020
Sarrera elektronikoa:https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-03928-657-7
https://www.mdpi.com/journal/nutrients/special issues/water intake
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