Adolescents in hazardous work: analysis under an intergenerational approach

The article analyzes the intergenerational effect of the parents' occupation towards their adolescent children who work. The hypothesis is to test whether the parents' economic activity influences the probability that adolescents between 12 and 17 years old will engage in dangerous jobs. W...

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Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Prif Awduron: Juan Francisco Suárez Martínez, Cinthya Guadalupe Caamal-Olvera
Fformat: Artículo
Cyhoeddwyd: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez 2023
Mynediad Ar-lein:
Tagiau: Ychwanegu Tag
Dim Tagiau, Byddwch y cyntaf i dagio'r cofnod hwn!

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