Cátedras Conacyt in the margins of subcontracting and labor flexibility

The aim of this work is to examine the labor practices of Conacyt academic staff from the perspective of their subjective experience in this work field. The “Catedras Conacyt” are academic positions for young researchers, as the result of a new Mexican government program that establishes an atypical...

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Detaylı Bibliyografya
Asıl Yazarlar: Oyuki Arce Miyaki, Redi Gomis Hernández
Materyal Türü: Artículo
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez 2021
Online Erişim:http://erevistas.uacj.mx/ojs/index.php/noesis/article/view/2738
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