Central american minors prostituted in California

Irregular migration of minors across the southeastern border of the United States has increased alarmingly in recent years. Some of these children are girls transported by sex trafficking networks. This article, based on qualitative interviews conducted in 2015 and 2016, examines how sex trafficking...


主要な著者: Simon Pedro Izcara Palacios, Karla Lorena Andrade Rubio
フォーマット: Artículo
出版事項: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez 2022
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要約:Irregular migration of minors across the southeastern border of the United States has increased alarmingly in recent years. Some of these children are girls transported by sex trafficking networks. This article, based on qualitative interviews conducted in 2015 and 2016, examines how sex trafficking networks capture the Central American minors to exploit them in adult entertainment centers in California, and analyzes the abuses suffered by the minors. Finally, the article concludes that traffickers use immigration law to achieve a greater submission of minors.