Heuristic mechanism for drone swarm auto-organization

Current technology used for fires are: meteorological stations and satellite image and satellites. This last is a great option, but, from space, the fire detection is until it is large enough to be seen from orbital altitude. A drone can be used to monitor a forest looking for fire signs before the...

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Egile nagusia: Muñoz, Juan
Beste egile batzuk: Ochoa, Carlos Alberto, Vazquez-Galvez, Felipe, Rivera-Zárate, Gilberto, HERNANDEZ-HERNANDEZ, JESUS
Formatua: Artículo
Argitaratua: 2018
Sarrera elektronikoa:http://www.rcs.cic.ipn.mx/rcs/2018_147_2/Heuristic%20Mechanism%20for%20Drone%20Swarm%20Auto-organization.pdf
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