Proposal and validation of a questionnaire of evaluation of the online teaching practice through the student opinion

Teaching evaluation is a process in which improvements can be done in the teaching-learning process. The students are the ones who can evaluate teaching activity according to their experience and satisfaction in relation to the acquired knowledge. The objective of this project was to create an ass...

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Detaylı Bibliyografya
Yazar: LOPEZ-DIAZ, Jose Alberto
Diğer Yazarlar: Ronquillo Chávez, Cely Celene, MADERO-VILLANUEVA, Martha Imelda, DENA-HERNANDEZ, Javier, Robledo Portillo, Ivonne Haydee
Materyal Türü: Artículo
Baskı/Yayın Bilgisi: 2018
Online Erişim:
Etiketler: Etiketle
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