Síntesis y Caracterización de Nanopartícula s de NiS Mediante Procedimiento de Química Suave

In this research, the synthesis and characterization of nickel sulphide (NiS) semiconductor nanoparticles (Nps) in solution is reported, the effect of glycine as complexing agent at different concentration was studied. The nanoparticles solutions were annealing 24 hours before characterization. From...

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Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Prif Awdur: Carrillo, Amanda
Awduron Eraill: Mota , Maria de la Luz, Guzman Sucedo, Ruben, Jesus Castillo, Santos
Fformat: Artículo
Cyhoeddwyd: 2020
Mynediad Ar-lein:http://lajae.uabc.mx/index.php/journal/article/view/113/0
Tagiau: Ychwanegu Tag
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