Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma-a rare entity in the oral cavity: A case report

BACKGROUND Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma (HCCC) is an uncommon tumor that originates in the salivary glands. This neoplasia constitutes less than 1% of minor salivary gland tumors. CASE SUMMARY A 67-year-old female visited the maxillofacial surgery department owing to a smooth, slightly yel...

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Wedi'i Gadw mewn:
Manylion Llyfryddiaeth
Prif Awdur: Donohue-Cornejo, Alejandro
Awduron Eraill: Espinosa Cristobal, Leon Francisco, Reyes-López, Simón Yobanny, Cuevas-González, Juan Carlos, Paes de Almeida, Oslei, Sanchez-Romero, Celeste
Fformat: Artículo
Cyhoeddwyd: 2020
Mynediad Ar-lein:https://doi.org/10.12998/wjcc.v8.i1.133
Tagiau: Ychwanegu Tag
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